Fabric Collections
Fabric Collections, Geelong
Fabric designs embrace everything from flowers to animals to the sassiness of Betty Boop. You’ll find a fabric to suit everyone in this category, from newborns through to teens and adults. Fabric ranges include dinosaurs and giraffes to flowers and art. Bellarine Sewing Centre takes pride in its variety of fabrics available in Geelong.
Fabric Collections, Geelong
Fabric designs embrace everything from flowers to animals to the sassiness of Betty Boop. You’ll find a fabric to suit everyone in this category, from newborns through to teens and adults. Fabric ranges include dinosaurs and giraffes to flowers and art. Bellarine Sewing Centre takes pride in its variety of fabrics available in Geelong.
3 Sisters - Collage (1)
3 Sisters - Etchings (31)
3 Sisters - Promenade (5)
3 Sisters - Rue 1800 (1)
3 Sisters - Sanctuary (2)
30s Playtime (18)
A Day in the Country - Simplicity (26)
A Day In The Country - Symphony Whimsical Weaves Check (4)
A Day In The Country - Symphony Whimsical Weaves Shot Cotton (11)
A Day In The Country - Symphony Whimsical Weaves Stripe (5)
ABC xyz (10)
Acorn Wood (4)
Ahoy (11)
Alexander Henry Fabrics (15)
Alice in Wonderland (2)
American Jane - Always in Season (28)
American Jane - Its Elementary (6)
American Jane - Picture Perfect (7)
American Jane - Story Time (1)
Animal Crackers by Sweetwater (2)
Animal Magic (5)
Around the Block (2)
Art Gallery Fabric - Florence (8)
Art Gallery Fabrics - Fresh Linen (7)
Atlas (3)
Autumn Days (7)
Baby on Trend (4)
Bambi (2)
Band Practice - Figo Fabrics (4)
Beatrix Potter - Peter Rabbit Collection (1)
Black and white with a dash of colour (1)
Boho Baby (6)
Botany by Alli K Design (13)
Brit Bits (2)
Bunnies for Baby (9)
Bunny Dreams (12)
Bunny Hill Designs - Blueberry Delight (8)
Bunny Hill Designs - Hollyhocks and Roses (34)
Bunny Hill Designs - My Summer House (20)
Bunny Hill Designs - Sugarberry (13)
Bunny Hill Designs - The Flower Farm (12)
Calypso (12)
Camille Roskelley - Lighthearted (36)
Canines & Felines (2)
Carolina Lilies (1)
Cathe Holden - Vintage Soul (4)
Cathy Holden - Curated in Color (6)
Chambray by Birch (8)
Cheers! (4)
Chirp by Elena Amo (37)
Classically Trained (1)
Color Collage II (3)
Colorama (5)
Comptoir de Toile - Kim Hurley (3)
Comptoir de Toile WOVEN - Kim Hurley (3)
Corey Yoder - Beautiful Day (2)
Corey Yoder - Cali & Co (44)
Corey Yoder - Cozy Up (3)
Cotton & Steel - Mori No Tomadahi (1)
Cotton Tale (6)
Dandelion Jungle (5)
Dear Stella - May the forest be with you (1)
Denim (2)
Desert Blooms (1)
Devonstone - Milkwood (12)
Devonstone - Toile De Jouy (8)
Devonstone - Unrivalled (1)
Dwell - Camille Roskelley (14)
Easy Living Toweling (11)
Eggcellent Easter (6)
Elixir (5)
Enchanted (6)
Essex Yarn Dyed (1)
Evolve (7)
Fabric Books (1)
Fairytale by Monika Boldogh (65)
Feathered Friends (14)
Federation Fairies (7)
Festive Fauna (1)
Fig Tree & Co - Stitched (10)
Figs and Shirtings (1)
Flintstones (1)
Floral Dreams (6)
Flower Market (2)
Forest Ferns (12)
Forest Friends (1)
Franny's Flowers (16)
French General - Bonheur De Jour (8)
French General Favorites (10)
French General Sashiko (7)
From the Heart (3)
Gaming Zone (1)
Gingiber - Birdsong (2)
Grand Prix (4)
Guess How Much I Love You 2024 (10)
Hagi (1)
Hannah Dale - Bramble Patch (3)
Hannah Dale - Whiskers & Paws (22)
Happy Days by Sherri & Chelsi (1)
Heavy Machines (4)
Hedgehog Hollow - Jason Yenter (6)
Hole in One (2)
I've Got a Notion (1)
Illustrations (8)
Imagine (3)
Janet Clare - Botanicals (2)
Janet Clare - Collage (10)
Janet Clare - To The Sea (1)
Jason Yenter - Colorful (3)
Jo Morton - Yesterday (7)
Jungle Paradise (5)
Junglemania (2)
Jurasic (2)
Jurassic (4)
Kaffe Fassett Artisan Shot Cotton (1)
Kaffe Fassett Classics (11)
Kaffe Fassett Stash (10)
Kate - Zoe Clifton Designs (37)
Kathy Doughty - Swatch Book (6)
Kathy Doughty - Trade Winds (13)
Later Alligator (1)
Leafy Meadow (2)
Leather Lace Amazing Grace (1)
Lecien - L's Modern (1)
Lewis & Irene - Bahia (15)
Lewis & Irene Fabrics (3)
Lilla (1)
Little Ducklings by Paper and Cloth for Moda (10)
Lollipop Garden (1)
Louise Pretzel - Thrift Shop (4)
Lulu (1)
Make Time (10)
Maree St Clair - Amelie Grace (27)
Marvel (2)
Meags and Me - Bird Brain (17)
Meags and Me - Hunny Bunny (1)
Meags and Me - Winter Gardens (14)
Melrose (11)
Metallic Fabric (1)
Midnight in the Garden (1)
Moda - Eyelet (2)
Moda - Linen Cupboard (2)
Moda - Silhouettes (21)
Moda - Sweet and Plenty (27)
Modern BackgroundS - Even More Paper by Zen Chic (7)
Monochrome (14)
Morisu (3)
Mystical Sunshine (8)
Naturescapes (4)
Nocturnal by Gingiber (3)
Nordiska (6)
On the Go (3)
On the Go by Jason Yenter (7)
Pamper (1)
Panda Party (2)
Paper & Cloth - D is for Dream (23)
Paper & Cloth - Delivered with Love (11)
Patrick Lose - Affinity (12)
Patrick Lose - Luminous (7)
Patrick Lose - Neutrality (20)
Patrick Lose - Tonal Trios Ditsy (4)
Pawsomely Posh (3)
Periwinkle Spring (3)
Peter Rabbit & Friends (18)
Picnic Pop by Me and My Sister Designs (9)
Poppie Cotton - Country Confetti (10)
Poppie Cotton - Delightful Department Store (13)
Poppie Cotton - Finding Wonder (1)
Poppie Cotton - Gingham Picnic (5)
Poppie Cotton - Home Sweet Home (22)
Poppie Cotton - Hopscotch & Freckles (3)
Poppie Cotton - Jailhouse Stripes (4)
Poppie Cotton - Market Day (11)
Poppie Cotton - My Favorite Things (2)
Poppie Cotton - Poppies Patchwork Club (7)
Poppie Cotton - Prairie Sisters Homestead (13)
Poppie Cotton - Promise Me (3)
Poppie Cotton - Songbird Serenade (7)
Poppie Cotton - Stolen Moments (24)
Poppie Cotton - Sunshine & Chamomile (9)
Poppie Cotton - Treasured Threads (16)
Portofino (3)
Rainbow Spice (17)
Rainbows and Sunshine (3)
Recorked (2)
Rollicking Robots - Patrick Lose (12)
Rose by Jo Morton (4)
Ruby Star Society - Add It Up (1)
Ruby Star Society - Bird is the Word Storytime (5)
Ruby Star Society - Dog Park (4)
Ruby Star Society - Lil (14)
Ruby Star Society - Picture Book (25)
Ruby Star Society - Speckled (8)
Ruby Star Society - Starry (4)
Ruby Star Society - Verbena (10)
Rue Floriane - L'uccello (2)
Rush Hour (8)
Sarah Kay - With Love (5)
Sci-Fi (2)
Seascape (12)
Sew Vintage (3)
Sewing Room (5)
Shimmer (7)
Simply Neutral 2 (11)
Smoke & Rust (2)
Space Explorers (2)
Space Magic (1)
Spaced Out (10)
Spiderman (2)
Splash of Colour (2)
Springtime (2)
Starflower (2)
Storybook (4)
Summer Breeze (1)
Sun Showers (5)
Sunkissed Sojourn (23)
Super Mario (1)
Supernova (6)
Sweet Lullaby (3)
Sweetwater - Renew (26)
Sweetwater - Shine (36)
Symphony (3)
Tama - Shot Cotton (3)
Tea Cups - Fukuju (2)
Texture Graphix (7)
The Cave (5)
To the Moon and Back (6)
Topography (2)
Tula Pink - Moon Garden (3)
Tula Pink - Roar (18)
Tula Pink - True Colours (38)
Unruly Nature - Ruby Star Society (1)
Urban Farmhouse Gatherings II (4)
Urban Vibes (8)
Veranda (2)
Vintage Florals (3)
Vintage Treasures (2)
Wander Lust (2)
Water's Edge by Brett Lewis (8)
Whimsicals (2)
Whiskers & Wine (10)
Wiggles (1)
Wild (1)
Wild & Bright (7)
Wild Abandon by Heather Bailey (28)
Wild Child (11)
Wildwood (3)
Woodland (1)
Woodland Friends (2)
Yukata (20)
Zen Chic - Filigree (5)
Zen Chic - Flirtation (37)
Zen Chic - Frisky (1)
Zen Chic - Lazy Afternoon (11)
Zen Chic - Quotation (1)
Zen Chic - Shimmer (43)
Fabric Collections, Geelong
Fabric designs embrace everything from flowers to animals to the sassiness of Betty Boop. You’ll find a fabric to suit everyone in this category, from newborns through to teens and adults. Fabric ranges include dinosaurs and giraffes to flowers and art. Bellarine Sewing Centre takes pride in its variety of fabrics available in Geelong.