Clementine - Claire TurpinClick on image to enlarge

Clementine – Applique Cushion Pattern


Pattern by Claire Turpin Designs.

The pattern includes layouts and instructions for one cushion – Clementine.

General guide of what you will need   …

Background fabrics:

53cm x 53cm  Light blue linen

53cm x 53cm dar blue linen (opinional)

53cm x 53cm iron on pellon or cotton wadding


Appliqué:  Appliqué pieces can be hand cut or you can use a Scan N Cut machine.

28cm x 46cm feature fabric for body of the van

23cm x 28cm and smaller pieces of fabric for the other van appliqué parts.  Further details of this inside pattern.

1 meter fusible transfer paper

Cushion Back:

56cm x 66cm Cotton fabric

56cm x 66cm Homespun fabric


Other bits needed:

Cushion infill

Machine cotton and embroidery floss


